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The Christian Faith





Christianity is the world’s biggest religion, and yet many people don’t know very much about it. If you’re one of those, then this is a great place to start!


Did you know, for example, that Christianity isn’t about going to church, or doing good things? It’s about having a relationship with God.


This is what makes it different to other religions. Christians don’t have to depend on trying extra hard to be good, but celebrate the fact that Jesus gave his life in our place, so that simply by trusting in him, anyone can have that relationship with God.


That’s why Christianity is called ‘Good News’. 




God is so vast.


We can never fully understand everything about him. If we did, then perhaps he wouldn’t be God.

Instead we gaze into the mystery and try to uncover the clues. Christians often start by looking to Jesus, described in the


Bible as ‘the image of the unseen God’.


Perhaps you have questions around proof, or suffering or doubt. We should not be afraid to question. The writer of the Bible book Proverbs says, ‘An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.’


Or maybe you’re at a place where you have chosen to follow Jesus and want to know how to start your own exciting journey.


Find out more ..... here

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