Kettle's On
Kettle's On is the churches energy to support our
Whitehill and Bordon Mental Health and Wellbeing project.
This project was started in April 2023 and is run from St Mark's Church building.
Local and national Mental Health providers use the comfortable and peaceful space to offer one to one and group support for people experiencing mental health problems.
We have a team of volunteers who open up the church and serve refreshments from our well equipped café area.
Currently we open a walk in café on Tuesdays from 10am-12noon
The video below explains the title of Kettle's on...Enjoy

Groups working in the church to support the community
We currently have the following groups actively working in the church to support the community and their mental health. Other groups are always welcome, please contact Revd. Iain Robertson to discuss on 01420 576615.
Bumps and Babies: Friday 10-12 Term time only
Michaela Slater:
Creating Crafting Blooms: Crochet Group: Mondays 1:30-3.30
Creating Crafts & Blooms<>
Fresh Start : Harvest Church : Tuesday evening 8-9.30
I`m All Ears: Counselling Service: Monday to Friday including some evenings.
Singing for the Mind: Dementia Choir: Right at Home. Monday 10.30-12
Women`s Sobriety Group: Sunday Evening
Salena Turner<
Woolmer Forest Community Choir: Thursday afternoon : Term times only Ysanne Bonner
Bordon Belles: Monthly on a Thursday
Sunflower Dementia Café : Right at Home: 2nd and 4th Thursday 10.30-12
Support line: 0300 102 1234
Mind are open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays).
Our support line is a safe space for you to talk about your mental health. Our advisors are trained to listen to you and help you find specialist support if you need it.
Talk to us if:
You want a safe and confidential place to talk openly about your feelings
You want someone to listen to you and help you to find the right steps to take for your mental health
You're looking for emotional support for your mental health and wellbeing
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
0800 58 58 58
Provides a helpline and online chat, as well as information and support, for anyone affected by suicide or suicidal thoughts.
Community Advice and Listening Line (C.A.L.L.)
0800 132 737 (helpline)
81066 (text HELP plus your message)
Provides information and support for people experiencing a mental health problem in Wales.
Helplines Partnership
Membership body for helplines in the UK. Includes a searchable directory of services.
Hub of Hope
UK-wide mental health service database. Lets you search for local, national, peer, community, charity, private and NHS mental health support. You can filter results to find specific kinds of support.
Mind Recovery Net
Publishes information on recovery colleges, including a searchable list of providers.
The Mix
85258 (crisis messenger service, text THEMIX)
Support and advice for under 25s, including a crisis messenger service, email and webchat.
National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK
0800 689 5652
Helpline offering a supportive listening service to anyone with thoughts of suicide. Open from 6pm to midnight every day. If you are unable to connect to the main number above you can call 0800 689 0880.
NHS 111 (England)
18001 111 (text relay)
NHS 111 BSL service
Non-emergency medical help and advice for people in England. If you call 111, select option 2 to access a 24/7 helpline offering urgent mental health support.
NHS 111 (Wales)
Non-emergency medical help and advice for people living in Wales. If you call 111, select option 2 to access a 24/7 helpline offering urgent mental health support.
Information about health problems and treatments, including details of local NHS services in England.
Nightline Association
Lists contact information for helplines and listening services in universities and colleges across the UK.
0800 068 41 41
07860039967 (text)
Confidential support for under-35s at risk of suicide and others who are concerned about them. Open 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Relay UK
Provides a talk/type relay service for anyone who has difficulty hearing or being understood when speaking over the phone. The cost of making phone calls through this service depends on your telephone service provider.
Rethink Mental Illness
0808 801 0525
Support and information for anyone affected by mental health problems, including local support groups.
116 123 (freephone)
Samaritans are open 24/7 for anyone who needs to talk. You can visit some Samaritans branches in person. Samaritans also have a Welsh Language Line on 0808 164 0123 (7pm–11pm every day).
0300 304 7000
Offers emotional support and information for anyone affected by mental health problems, including a helpline.
85258 (text SHOUT)
Confidential 24/7 text service offering support if you're in crisis and need immediate help.